August 9th, 2024 "Stockyards Rodeo"
50 Double Unders :30, 5 Wall Walks 1:15
40 DU 2:56, 4 WW 2:35
30 DU 2:56, 3 WW 3:38
20 DU 3:55, 2 WW 5:25
10 DU 4:30, 10 WW 4:45
20 DU 5:00, 2 WW 5:25
30 DU 5:50, 3 WW 6:26
40 DU 6:59, 4 WW 7:54
50 DU 8:48, 5 WW 9:55
This one was very taxing on the shoulders. I only took about a minute to strategically think about this workout and was :25 slower than my goal. I have a couple of things I know I can improve on this and probably shed 30-60 seconds off my time. Time was 9:55.
Target time: 9-11 minutes
* Time cap: 15 minutes
* Today, we are climbing up and down the ladder with two movements. Athletes should aim to keep a moderate and steady pace on the way down and then try to replicate going back up. We want to restrain from going to hard out the gate of the descent so it doesn’t put us in a cardio deficit where our rest during and between sets increases.
* Remember, we only complete the middle number once (10 double unders/one wall walk). We get a second crack at everything else. Control your breathing and use the time between stations for the rest, not during.
* Double Unders: Unbroken would be great. However, if athletes are uncomfortable with high reps double unders, aim for two sets on the high rep counts (50-40). Hands should stay by the sides/slightly in front of the body, and shoulders should stay relaxed to avoid tripping on the rope. If athletes cannot consistently perform double unders, have them modify to single unders, perform plate hops to a 10lb hi-temp, or perform high bunny jumps with a double tap on the legs with each hand during each jump to help train their timing of double unders. Ensure that athletes are not excessively pulling the feet back in a donkey kick motion and not excessively piking forward (both of which will increase the chance of catching on the rope).
* Wall Walk: Try not to rest here; touch and go a few reps before getting a 3-5 second break at the bottom. The goal pace should be 4-6 reps every minute. To make it an easy standard, ensure athletes press to their knees before placing their feet on the wall, walk up to where the top of their stomach makes contact with the wall, and lower down back to the start with their hands before their feet come off the wall.
Shoulder fatigue will be a concern. Athletes must find a balance between being aggressive and a little conservative to avoid over-resting.
* The Scaling aim is for athletes to be within the target time.
* Independence
Double Unders
Wall Walks
* Liberty
Single Unders