August 6th, 2024 "City Of Cowboys & Culture"
I broke into 3 sets for 15-18-21
Used 50's but lifted them from a 20" box instead of the floor.
24" box. Pivot & step down for all except majority of the last set. Splits listed below
3 :09, :18 Unbroken
6 :35, :51 UB
9 1:14, 1:39 UB
12 2:09, 2:43 UB
15 3:49, 4:29 7,5,3
18 5:54, 6:45 9,6,3
21 8:17, 8:50 10,7,4
* Stimulus is moderate intensity. Athletes should find and maintain a consistent pace for both movements throughout the workout. Utilizing the extended position of the lockout for Push Press as an opportunity to breathe will aid athletes in staying consistent and avoiding having to rest due to aerobic fatigue.
* It's all up and down today. Athletes need to be steady and controlled off the start, or they will blow up fast. It boils down to who can be consistent and avoid long presses between movements and sets.
* Dumbbell Push Press: The weight selected should allow athletes to complete most of the reps non-stop throughout the workout. Ideally, we should break into two sets once we get into the round of 15 and on. The push press is a dip followed by an extension of the hips and a press. Push Jerking (re-dipping under the dumbbells) will result in a no-rep. Cue athletes to squeeze their glutes and breathe out when driving overhead to keep their core engaged. Some athletes find that a slightly wider-than-normal stance can help keep their body in a straight line through the movement. Breathe and move steadily through every rep with a slight pause at the top.
* Box Jump Over: Height should be very comfortable and allow for a near non-stop effort. Remind athletes to be very careful at this station and focus on being steady. Athletes can clear the box in one jump (Not recommended) or jump to the top and down to the other side. If jumping on top of the box, athletes do not have to fully extend before going down to the other side, but both feet must make contact with the top of the box if jumping on top.
* The Scaling aim is for athletes to stay within the target time.