Hummus Tuna Lettuce Boats

Today I have a brand new take on tuna salad for your tasting enjoyment. While most tuna salad recipes use mayonnaise, sour cream or yogurt to create the desired creamy consistency, this recipe does something completely different. We are using hummus! And not just any hummus: white bean hummus.Nutritionally these Creamy Tuna Lettuce Boats are exactly the type of meal that you should be eating in order to see noticeable improvements in your shape. Albacore tuna is a lean protein that provides essential macronutrients to help your muscles develop and recover from your workouts.To boost the fiber content we are adding some finely chopped celery, red onion and parsley in addition to whole grain mustard. Resist the urge to spread this divine tuna salad over toast and give it a try over crunchy butter lettuce leaves instead. Enjoy! Courtesy of

What you need

Serves 6

15oz canned albacore tuna, packed in water

½ cup white bean hummus

½ cup celery, finely minced

2 Tablespoons red onion, finely minced

2 Tablespoons whole grain mustard

1 teaspoon fresh parsley, minced

2 heads butter lettuce


  1. Drain the tuna and flake into a large bowl. Mix in the hummus, celery, onion, mustard and parsley.

  2. Serve scoops of the tuna mixture on butter lettuce leaves. Enjoy!


One serving equals: 144 calories, 4g fat, 8g carbohydrate, 1g sugar, 209mg sodium, 3g fiber, and 18g protein.

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